Third Evaluation Report

With the addition of KomBurSROCK2 and SROCKC2 all the methods mentioned in StochasticDiffEq.jl Issue #73 are complete. KomBurSROCK2 is similar to SROCK2 for Stratonovich Problems.

Solver Description
KomBurSROCK2 This is an explicit strong order 1 and weak order 2 solver for stiff Stratonovich type problems. This method is similar to SROCK2 for Stratonovich Problems. It is compatible with 1-D, Diagonal, Commutative, and General Noise cases.
SROCKC2 This is an explicit strong order 1 solver for stiff Ito type problems. It has convergence of strong order 1 for 1-Dimensional, Diagonal and Commutative Noise.

With this in place, I refactored the SROCK methods I implemented to only use vector type calculation. Further adding Tracked Array compatibility and fixing some bugs in general noise case in SROCKEM. Along with these I added Diagonal noise compatibility in 3-stage Split-step Milstein Methods and fixed bugs in error calculation in RKMilCommute when using adaptive setting.

Approximating Iterated Integrals

Now StochasticDiffEq has functionality for estimating Double Stochastic Integrals using iterative techniques as used in SDELAB with accuracy of order 1. These are required to get order 1 convergence in Milstein Methods for general noise case. The original paper was by Wiktorsson that is Joint Characteristic Function and Simultaneous Simulation of Iterated Itô Integrals for Multiple Independent Brownian Motions. Apart from this we use take advantage of Diagonal and Commutative noise cases to approximate these using less computational effort.

Apart from this I also made contirbutions to OrdinaryDiffEq.jl and DiffEqDevTools.jl where I fixed bugs in ROCK Method in case of negative dt, and fix noise type when noise is non-diagonal in analyticless_test_convergence. I also refactered SERK methods adding step-size limits to ESERK4.

List of Contributions during Weeks 9 - 13


Description Pull Requests Current Status
Diagonal Noise Case Three Stage Split-step Milstein Methods #184 Merged
Implemented KomBurSROCK2 #186 Merged
Vector Format for SROCK Methods #192 Merged
Implemented SROCKC2 #204 Merged
Implemented Iterated Integrals #209 Merged
Fix Error Calculation RKMilCommute #218 Merged
SROCKEM General Noise Bug Fix #227 Merged
SROCK Methods Tracked Arrays Compatibility #228 Open


Description Pull Requests Current Status
SERK Cleanup #808 Merged
Bug Fix ROCK Methods #848 Merged


Description Pull Requests Current Status
Fix Noise Type in Analyticless Convergence Test #46 Merged

Future Work

With iterated_integrals.jl in place, I want to add Milstein Methods that take advantage of this to get strong order 1 convergence in case of general noise. Also, I want to add Benchmarks to show the performance of these solvers to the community and I SROCK method KomBurSROCK1 which has strong order 1 convergence using iterated_integrals.jl.


  2. SDELAB2
  3. Wiktorsson, Magnus. Joint Characteristic Function and Simultaneous Simulation of Iterated Itô Integrals for Multiple Independent Brownian Motions. The Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 11, no. 2, 2001, pp. 470–487. JSTOR
Written on August 24, 2019